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SpeedCherry MX Speed Silver Linear RGB SwitchesDescription: Cherry MX Speeds are another interesting option from Cherry. These switches have a shorter actuation distance, which means it does not need to be pressed as far for the key to register. The only speed option currently available is the Cherry MX Speed Silver, which has an actuation distance of 1.2mm and a total distance of 3.4 mm. This puts the actuation distance at 0.8mm shorter than a normal mechanical keyswitch. For detailed information from Cherry MX click here Specifications: Linear 45 cN operating force 1.2 mm pre travel 3.4 mm total travel 3 Pin RGB Optional Switch Lube and Film Service: Hand Lubed or Filmed - $0.49 per switch Hand Lubed & Filmed - $0.79 per switch We use Krytox 205g0, Krytox 105 and TriboSys 3203 depending of your switch type. We use polycarbonate clear .015mm or .013mm film depending on switch brand. Depending on order volume, we typically require 4-8 additional business days.5RUB